Your daddy and I can't believe it has been an entire year since you were born! It seems like only last week we brought you home from the hospital!
Though this isn't the entire story, I just want to let you know what was happening in our life when you were born, and how excited we were to get you.
Day 1- October 8, 2009
On October 8, 2009, you were born, as expected (because it was the date your birthmom, Catherine, would be induced). Your daddy and I were getting very apprehensive and nervous. When we received the call that you had been born, we prayed very hard. We prayed very hard that we would get to keep you. We hadn't met you, and we didn't even know how beautiful you were. But, we loved you in our hearts and we needed you. We prayed very hard that Catherine would sign the documents that would give you to us. We prayed very hard that she would do the right thing and know that we could take better care of you than she could.
Your daddy was at work and I was teaching piano lessons while you were being born. When the agency called me, I called daddy. We called Nana & Papa, and Grandma & Grandpa and told them you had been born. Then, they started praying, too.
Day 2- Friday, October 9, 2009
You had been born yesterday, and today, we were waiting for the agency to call again. This time, they would be calling to tell us if your birthmom signed those papers. Catherine had to wait 24 hours to sign the papers, and we knew that in those 24 hours, she would fall in love with you and might not want to let you go. So, we waited. We were very hopeful. In anticipation that she would sign those papers, I wanted to find a cute outfit in which to bring you home from the hospital. So, Aunt Lacey and I went shopping and I bought you a cute dress. Aunt Lacey bought you the cute headband & bow that you'll see in the pictures.
While Aunt Lacey & I were shopping, your daddy called me. He said that the agency had called him to say that Catherine signed the papers! That meant you would be ours!!! I was so happy that I made a fool out of myself. I was going around the mall telling everyone that I was going to be a mommy! I was running and jumping and making a lot of noise, right there in the mall. I think I embarrased your Aunt Lacey, but I didn't even care what anyone thought.
I dropped Lacey off back home and your daddy and I went out to dinner that night to celebrate you, our new daughter. We hadn't told anyone except our parents about you. So when we got home that night, we called our families to let them know the good news. The agency said we could pick you up from the hospital the next day, on Saturday, October 10.
Day 3- Saturday, October 10, 2009
This day seemed like the longest day of our lives. Your daddy & I knew the agency was going to call us to tell us what time to pick you up. We kept waiting and waiting for the call, and we were so scared that something would go wrong and that we wouldn't have you any more.
Instead of waiting around the house, we decided to get in the car and run some errands. While we were waiting at Jiffy Lube to get an oil change on the car, the agency called us and told us to be at Pioneer Valley Hospital in West Valley City at 11:00. We hurried and got the car, and drove to the hospital really fast.

We waited in the parking lot until the agency called for us to go in and get you. We waited in the car for almost 4 hours! While we waited, we went to the store to get you a cute blanket to come home in. When we finally went inside the hospital, we waited in the waiting room upstairs. A lady from the agency dressed you up in your cute outfit and brought you to us. We fell in love with you instantly. You were so adorable, and we were so happy to finally have you! On the way home, I sat in the back seat with you so I could touch you and look at you. I couldn't take my eyes off of you. We stopped at Nana & Papa's house on the way home, but we only let them see you for a minute before we drove home. That night, Nana & Papa, Aunt Andrea & Uncle Jeff, cousin Kienan, Uncle Tyler, and Uncle Mark came over to see you. They all held you and loved you and thought you were beautiful.
You ARE beautiful. You are the most adorable child we have even known. You have such a cute personality, and so much spunk! You make us laugh every day, and we love you more than anything in the whole world. You have made us happier than we could ever imagine. Megan, sweet Megan, we hope you always know how much we love you and how much we need you. You grew in our hearts for 6 years before you came to us, and we know you were always supposed to be our daughter. You will always be our special little angel baby, and we will love you forever.
Happy First Birthday, Megan!
Mommy & Daddy
Happy Birthday, darling Megan! What a sweetheart. And congrats, Jared and Harmony, on your first year of parenthood. What a wonderful day!
Happy birthday Megan!! But darn the adoption stories. They always make me cry! We love all three of you so much and are thrilled that Megan is a part of our family. *hugs*
Children are such a gift! I think you know (perhaps even greater than others) to treasure your little sweetheart
Oh she is just plain adorable! I loved hearing the story...I hadn't heard it before. How perfect Megan's beginning has been.
LOVE IT! Happy birthday to Megan!
Happy birthday Megan! I hope you grow to realize that a special blessing you really to your mom and dad!
okay. im coming out. ive been blogging stalking you forever. im a friend of mikensis and saw your blog there and fell in love. this post made me cry a little. megan is so lucky to have you and your husband for parents. the love you have for her shows in every post. shes adorable. happy birthday megan!
Right in the middle of school, in the hall, I almost started crying. So, I was almost the old lady in college crying at the computer....She's so lovely, happy birthday to your sweet girl! I still remember when your Mom emailed me about her new granddaughter, my heart almost jumped out of my chest - an echo of the moment I learned about my own angel babe.
Oh Harms! I just love you guys! Happy birthday Megan!
Happy Birthday, Megan. We wish you lived closer so that we could give you a birthday squeeze!
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